Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Star Facts

1. Sun /Polaris/Vega/Alpha/Achernar/Regulus/Castor/ Pollux/Capella/Altair/ Mizar are all stars.

2.Beta Gruis is the star im chooseing

3.M5 (irregualr supergiant) is Gruis's classification.

4.No planets orbit this star.

5.This star is 170 light years away.

Friday, November 14, 2008

Astronomy Topics

The Black Hole

The black hole is the densit place in the universe. The gravitational force of a black hole is so strong that nothing can escape from it.Black holes form when a stars nuclear fuel runs out and is crushed by its own gravitaional force. The event horizion is the surface of the black hole. The point of singularity is in the inside of the black hole and is made up of all the holes mass. The way these to relate is because once you hit the event horizion you immediatly goto the point of singularity.

Star Consellations

Star consellations have been used since 4000 B.C., they have been documented by the Mesopatimians. The constelations were used to tell stories and to try to predict peoples futures. A few examples of consellations are Ursa Minor, Ursa Major, and Polaris. Polaris is a well known constalation. It is known as the north star because it is almost above the northern pole. You can tell which star it is because it is almost the brightest star in the area.

Worm Holes

Worm holes are structures that connect two regions that are distanced or unrealated. Worm holes have been disscued to be a source of time travel. Scientist aren't sure if it is possible because it has never been experimented, but they do think it is required. There are many diffrent hypothesis on these wormholes.


Pluto is classified as a dwarf planet. It is much smaller than all the other planets and orbits beyond Neptune. Pluto was descuverd in 1930. After pluto was desuvered they decided it couln't be a planet because its composition is ice and rock. In fact Pluto is known to be just a part of the Kuiper belt.
The Moon
The moon is Earths only sattelite. Most of what we know about the moon comes from the apollo missions. The moon has many features such as craters which are depressions in the moons surface. Highlands are a side of the moon which is covered in mountains. Maria is a ancient bed of basaltic.

Wednesday, November 12, 2008

1. What 3 factors effect wind?
  • pressure gradient
  • Coriolis Effect
  • Friction

2. Which of the 3 do you think has the greatest effect? Why?
I think friction is the most imortant factor because it slows down air movement and it can change the wind direction.

3. What would happen if this factor (from #2) all of a sudden stopped? Remember to include details about what might happen in your response.
If friction stopped the air would never slow down and you would always be able to tell which direction the wind would go in.

Friday, November 7, 2008

1.Three low clouds are nimbostratus, stratocumulus, and cumulus clouds. Three middle clouds are altocumulus, altostratus, and nimbostratus. Three high clouds are cirrus, cirrostratus, and cirrocumulus.

2.The cloud that looks best to me is the nimbostratus cloud because its big and puffy looking.

3. The nimbostratus brings alot of rain.